Ven. Feb 28th, 2025

LinuxMint VNC

Almost all the articles that are in the Internet says about configuring VNC how about connecting to a new session. It does not suit me. I need to connect to my home PC that runs under Linux, and gives the torrents and all that. I don’t need to create a new session, but need to get proper access to the current session.

First of all I will say is that this method allows to gain remote access not only from Windows but also from any Operating system, to work with your Linux Mint from everywhere.

At least kill me, but I never got to connect to my computer Linux Mint using a standard VNC server “Vino”. Given access but to connect failed. In addition nowhere could I find information about this.

In this regard, i will describe installation of third-party x11vnc server.

More importantly, access can be obtained when only works GMD i.e. the user is not logged in. Once it becomes clear that vino (part of Gnome) not suitable for this. The aid comes x11vnc. It pulls vnc4server but it’s logical.

So the task:

to provide access to the machine via VNC even if the user is not logged in. To use only one session.


  • 1. Remove vino (to avoid problems with the occupation of the port and the like)
sudo apt-get -y remove vino
  • 2. Install x11vnc
sudo apt-get -y install x11vnc
  • 3. Make the password to access VNC. Here we must be very careful here’s why.

By default, VNC doesn’t use shh tunnel therefore information

is not encrypted, because if the machine you are very important

and critical need of googling on the subject forward VNC and its ports through an SSH tunnel.

x11vnc -storepasswd

The password is stored in the /home/YOUR USER NAME/.vnc/passwd (where YOUR username is the user name under which you executed the command). It is important to execute this command is not under sudo otherwise there would be problems with access rights for login.

  • 4. The startup service x11vnc. It is very important (to me) that the service was already available at boot X i.e. the user is not logged into the system, but access to the machine already has. To do this, need to have access at the level of GDM.

In some systems use a different welcome screen, not gdm3 therefore this directory is not. For example: Linux Mint 17/16/15/14/13 (MATE) uses MDM. Edit the file /etc/mdm/Init/Default (don’t forget to run it as root or sudo otherwise not save the changes):

  • for mate
sudo pluma /etc/mdm/Init/Default
  • for cinnamon
sudo gedit /etc/mdm/Init/Default

Add to the end of the file before exit 0 the following line:

/usr/bin/x11vnc -dontdisconnect -notruecolor -noxfixes -shared -forever -rfbport 5900 -bg -o /var/log/x11vnc.log -rfbauth /home/YOUR USER NAME/.vnc/passwd

Remote desktop via VNC from Windows to Linux Mint

From the key parameters should pay attention to the following:

-dontdisconnect – do not disconnect when idle time, which is important if turned sessions window

-forever is a very important parameter. Without it x11vnc after the session is closed off and more you will not go until ssh again not run it, that is not convenient.

-rfbport – specify on which port will work our VNC (I pointed 5900)

More detailed settings, you can look in the manual x11vnc:

man x11vnc
  • 5. Additionally are dropping (disconnecting from vnc) when you login in to your account on the computer screen via VNC. I did that because on my home computer to multiple accounts. The solution suggested by our reader BENAHLQUIST. It works.

Open the config mdm

  • for mate
sudo pluma /etc/mdm/mdm.conf
  • for cinnamon
sudo gedit /etc/mdm/mdm.conf

Under the [daemon] section, add this line:


Remote desktop via VNC from Windows to Linux Mint

Next, save all files and restart the machine.

Then run any VNC client on a foreign computer, such as TightVNC or UltraVNC. Enter your computer’s IP and port.

If your computer is behind a NAT forward ports in your router. Enjoy!

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